In an interview with New Zealand news outlet 1 News, Newell said that “we definitely have games in development that we’re going to be announcing”. He also said that they will be of the single-player kind, citing the success of Alyx. The VR title “created a lot of momentum inside of the company to do more of that”.
That being said, chances are it won’t be Half-Life 3, or Portal 3. And Newell says he will continue to not talk about those things until they become moot questions. “Then we’ll move on to a new set of questions” he said, adding that by doing so the community will also not come up with new, “equally difficult-to-answer questions”. Gabe Newell has been in New Zealand since March 2020. What was supposed to be a 10-day holiday ended up being an indefinite stay due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But he likes it there enough to consider moving some of the Valve crew who are interested there as well. If that happens, some physical events like The International annual Dota 2 tourneys may get moved there as well. (Source: 1 News)